Welcome to my web.


My name is Carlos Gonzalez and during 43 years I have worked for NASA. First at the Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN) Tracking Station in Fresnedillas, Madrid. And second, at the Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex (MDSCC) in Robledo, Madrid.


I am already retired and thus I have taken my time to work on this WEB Page and hung on it a few essays that I have been writting during the last couple of years. When I retired I was Operations Manager and Deputy Director  at MDSCC.


I keep quite busy giving talks, having interviews, etc. all relative to my former job. Specially now that is NASA´s 60th aniversary.


Come on in, I invite you to go through the WEB, you will get to know me better. If you want me to know you have been here you can leave a note in my Guest book. You can also leave comments or suggestions to make this better.


As I said above, I have writen a few essays: Project Apollo, the Space Race, Apollo-Soyuz, Skylab,  the history of the Madrid Tracking Station, etc.

I have also written my thoughts about the possibility of a manned trip to Mars.

They´re all in My essayDon´t miss it!


El libro "El gran salto al abismo" escrito por Jesús Saez y publicado por Next Door Publishers, esta teniendo una considerable aceptación.


Narra mi vida en conjunción con la carrera y exploración espaciales de una manera amena y familiar.

Página Web

Mi música: Boogie boogie, Rock, música clásica

Películas: Ciencia ficción, comedias, thrillers, terror

Idiomas: Español, inglés y algo de francés


Mi lema preferido: Carpe diem - ¡Disfruta del aquí y el ahora!

What´s new

The book "El gran salto al abismo" writen by Jesus Saez and published by Next Door Publishers, is having a more than acceptable response.


It narrates my life in conjunction with the space race and exploration.

I´ll post a note when available in English.

Web page

My music: Boogie boogie, Rock, clasic


Movies: Sci-Fi, comedy, thrillers, terror


Languages: Spanish, english and a bit of french


My moto: Carpe diem - Enjoy the here and now!

Yo en redes sociales