My family

Sara in flamenco costume ready to start "Sevillanas". She learned by hersel by watching her mother. And Estrella giving one of her classes. It is obvious why Sara and Raquel dance flamenco so well.
Raquel showing proudly her pregnancy and Hugo, the results of it. Hugo´s picture is a little old but I love it.
My next of kin, Sara is on the left and Raul, Raquel and Hugo to the right. Sara is an events producer and manager . Raul is an environmental engineer and Raquel the Director´s secretary at the Madrid Deep Space Communications Centre.

                 My house

Winter and Summer

                Good times

As you can see, all our celebrations are around a table with good food and better wine.


El libro "El gran salto al abismo" escrito por Jesús Saez y publicado por Next Door Publishers, esta teniendo una considerable aceptación.


Narra mi vida en conjunción con la carrera y exploración espaciales de una manera amena y familiar.

Página Web

Mi música: Boogie boogie, Rock, música clásica

Películas: Ciencia ficción, comedias, thrillers, terror

Idiomas: Español, inglés y algo de francés


Mi lema preferido: Carpe diem - ¡Disfruta del aquí y el ahora!

What´s new

The book "El gran salto al abismo" writen by Jesus Saez and published by Next Door Publishers, is having a more than acceptable response.


It narrates my life in conjunction with the space race and exploration.

I´ll post a note when available in English.

Web page

My music: Boogie boogie, Rock, clasic


Movies: Sci-Fi, comedy, thrillers, terror


Languages: Spanish, english and a bit of french


My moto: Carpe diem - Enjoy the here and now!

Yo en redes sociales